Discover The Questions Experience

The Questions Experience is a LIVE IN PERSON WORKSHOP that fosters deep connections among team members, breaking down barriers.

Through the workshop, participants build more positive mindsets, become more connected with team members, and show empathy towards each other, resulting in improved team dynamics and communication.

Talk to your Team, or
your HR Director or CEO

and propose that your company or organization host a Questions Experience Workshop!
After joining our one-day workshop, you can expect:
  • Guaranteed enjoyment and benefits for all participants.
  • Long-lasting impacts that will completely transform your team.
  • Dramatic improvement in communication skills, resulting in more effective interactions.
  • Positive culture change, creating a more supportive and productive work environment.
  • Happier, energized, and upbeat teams that foster better collaboration as a group and individually.

About The Book That is
Changing Lives

About The Book That is Changing Lives

In the words of our customers

Want to Reach Out to Us?

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Today is the day and NOW IS THE MOMENT to register!

Give yourself the gift of taking Wednesday September 25th off… yes GIVE YOURSELF JUST ONE DAY to step back, reflect, and spend that day with some wonderful people in the inquiry about “how can it be better?”

This is the transformative one day workshop you’ve heard about! It’s coming to Kelowna on the 25th! Friends, Register now as time is running out to be in the room for this potentially life altering day!

Top 10 Reasons to join us in #Kelowna for The Questions Experience:

  1. Summer is coming to a close and have you REALLY taken a true day to yourself?😵‍💫
  2. Register with a friend or relative you would like to spend some quality time with.
  3. You’ve benefited in the past from personal development workshops.
  4. You’re new to Kelowna and would like to connect with new people.
  5. You’re self-employed or are in sales and you’d like to supercharge your results by learning what stops you and addressing it.
  6. You work in a company that may be looking for a corporate team building/bonding event and you are open to “test driving” this workshop. (Ask your boss or HR if they would pay your registration so you can report back!)
  7. Your key personal and/or business relationships could be better and you’re looking for ways to improve.
  8. You reviewed the written and video testimonials and one or more resonate with you.
  9. You realize it’s time to invest some time and money on YOU! Your personal well-being is not always your top priority.
  10. You’re ZOOMED OUT and haven’t attended a personal development workshop IN PERSON with REAL PEOPLE since pre-COVID!

Be sure enter the discount code word “Friends” at check out FOR 50% OFF and I look forward to seeing you!